Science and Technology Guests on Late Night, Week of April 9

If I was inclined to include reality programs that might focus on the technologies that underlie the businesses that drive the programs, there would be more guests this week.  As it is I’ll be entering a rare exception to my general dismissal of animal experts.

Tonight Bob Lutz, a former vice chairman at General Motors and senior executive at other car companies, will visit The Colbert Report.  I’d guess the bailout will take prominence in the discussion, though new car technologies could well emerge in the conversation.  Tuesday on The Daily Show, Elon Musk, CEO of both Tesla Motors and SpaceX, stops by to regale Jon Stewart with tales of fast cars and faster rockets.

Also that night, you can see Jane Goodall visit with Jimmy Fallon.  Wednesday you can watch James Cameron chat with young Jimmy.  While the 3-D re-release of Titanic is likely the reason Cameron was booked, he could also discuss his non-fiction Titanic program (the ship crashed 100 years ago this week) and/or his recent deep dive into the Marianas Trench.  On Thursday, Ben Rattray, founder of, will face the withering scorn of Stephen Colbert.