Science and Technology Guests on Late Night, Week of April 2

In what might be a glimmer of hope that the attention to the political campaign is fading, this week’s science and technology guest list is starting to resemble the norm.  That is, the guests are pretty much on The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.

Tonight former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed will visit with Jon.  As I noted last week for Nasheed’s appearance on The Late Show, there is a documentary just released on President Nasheed’s tenure in office.  While that may be the primary purpose of the visit, climate change is a major concern for the Maldives.  It was an emphasis in Nasheed’s appearance with Letterman, and could be again tonight.

Wildlife photographer Joel Sartore will be on Carson Daly’s program late Wednesday/really early Thursday.  Thursday night noted deep-sea explorer Robert Ballard will visit with Stephen Colbert.  I’d be disappointed if James Cameron’s recent expedition into the Marianas Trench doesn’t come up for discussion.