
E-Mail: pasco dot phronesis at yahoo dot com

The Blog

Welcome to Pasco Phronesis.  This blog is an exploration of science, technology, and society issues.  The main focus will be science and technology policy, with an emphasis on U.S. federal policy.

Whether you stumbled or surfed here, or if you followed me here from Prometheus, I’m glad to have the eyeballs.  For the most part, I’ll leave the climate change stuff to Roger Pielke, Jr., who was kind enough to let me blog at Prometheus.  I’ve imported my posts from there, which will be any item before June 16, 2009.

Comments are welcome, as long as discussion remains close to the topic and civil.  Spam, trolls, and the usual nonsense will be tossed.  If, for whatever reason, you want to comment privately, shoot me an email – pasco dot phronesis at yahoo dot com.

This is very much a work in progress.  I haven’t figured out every nook and cranny just yet, so I appreciate your patience as I fine tune the operation.

As for the title, it’s a pretentious little hodgepodge of Greek and Latin.

The Blogger

I have over 13 years experience in U.S. federal science and technology policy, conducting research and analysis in many subjects for the National Academies and other organizations while slogging through grad school. My education is in Politics (B.A.), Science, Technology, and Public Policy (M.A.), and Science and Technology Studies (need to write that Ph.D. dissertation). I currently work and blog for the Association for Computing Machinery as its Senior Public Policy Analyst.  (Disclaimer – opinions expressed here are strictly my own.)

Arguably I’m more engaged with processes and systems in this field than with specific content areas.  However, I do have experience with research policy, space policy, the science and technology workforce, higher education, computer science/information technology policy, and innovation policy.  I will occasionally post outside of these areas, mindful that I’m away from my usual subjects.