Science and Technology Guests on Late Night, Week of January 31

This week you need go no further than Comedy Central.  Tonight Bill Gates will visit The Daily Show (though it’s not clear the specific topic, science and/or technology will likely come up, either from Gates’ philanthropic efforts or his former career).

(ETAThis announcement of a several hundred million dollar commitment to eradicate polio is a likely discussion topic.)

Also tonight, Dr. Paul Offit, one of the developers of the rotavirus vaccine RotaTeq, will talk with Stephen Colbert about the long-alleged link between vaccines and autism.  Offit’s latest book focuses on anti-vaccine campaigns.  Expect Andrew Wakefield’s name to come up.  Finally, on Thursday, game researcher and designer Jane McGonigal will visit The Colbert Report.

It only airs late at night in some markets, but Tavis Smiley’s television program will have health care reform expert Atul Gawande on Wednesday’s program.  As always, check your listings for time and station.

And welcome, visitors from the Science and Entertainment Exchange.  I post these listings every Monday, but I suspect there will be other things here you’ll find of interest.