Science Minister Shifts In Canada Now (And The UK Later?)

On a side note, I missed the addition of Professor Brian Cox to tonight’s episode of Conan.  Cox can been seen in the U.S. on The Science Channel in his Wonders programs (Wonders of the Universe, Wonders of the Solar System).

While the possibility of a new U.K. science minister is only rumor at the moment, the Canadian government has just reshuffled its Cabinet.  Minister for Science and Technology Gary Goodyear is out, and replacing him is Greg Rickford. Minister Rickford has previously served in ministerial positions responsible for development in northern Canada.  While he does have experience as a nurse, like his predecessor Minister Rickford does not have much research experience.

And that’s not exactly new (nor really is it news).  Arguably both Goodyear and Rickford have had much more science or technology working experience compared to their (very few) predecessors.  The same is true in the U.K.  The ministerial positions with responsibilities for science and engineering are typically minor positions within the political hierarchy of Canada and the United Kingdom.  To be fair, I don’t think there’s a comparable position in the United States, so I don’t make these observations in a country that could claim a position of superiority.

Science and technology leadership political positions – as rare as they can be – are not fast tracks to greater power and/or responsibility.  Until that changes, it seems unrealistic to expect the best and brightest politicians to seek those portfolios.  Even those with scientific and/or engineering expertise (here’s looking at you, Representative Holt).

2 thoughts on “Science Minister Shifts In Canada Now (And The UK Later?)

  1. Pingback: Does the new Minister of State for Science and Technology Gary Rickford really need research experience? « FrogHeart

  2. Pingback: Canadian Ministerial Reshuffle Leads To New Science Minister | Pasco Phronesis

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