Update Corner – Confirmation Progress And Website Tweaking

Not long after my last science and technology appointment update, there was some progress.  As part of some ‘grand bargain’ that will likely fall apart, Gina McCarthy was finally confirmed as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.  She moves into the top spot from the office responsible for air and radiation.  Still no word on the top un-nominated vacancy, that of National Science Foundation Director.

Data.gov is in the midst of an upgradeNext.Data.gov is a demonstration version of that new website, and the folks behind it are looking for feedback.  A major part of the revisions so far is an increased emphasis on providing examples of how the data sets on the website are being used.  As the push behind this administration’s open data programs is to encourage use of that data, this makes a lot of sense.  Regrettably, however, the value of this site will still come down to the variety and quality of data sets made available.  The website is organized around several large categories, and you can search each of them for data sets, grant information, challenges, presentation and other federal information that is currently publicly available.  Please do take the website out for a spin and see what you can do with the website and the data.