Marvel Continues Its Movie Tie-In Science Contests

Marvel is apparently not content with occasionally taking over the global box office.  It wants credit for several future scientists.  In connection with its next major release, Captain America: Civil War, Marvel Studios announced its latest science-themed contest, Girls Reforming the Future (H/T io9).  Marvel has done this kind of contest before for several of its films, most recently last summer in connection with Ant-Man.  Also customary with these contests is some promotion by actors involved in the films.  This time around you can watch stars Elizabeth Olsen and Emily VanCamp discuss the contest and see bits of the film.

Marvel is partnering with the Science and Entertainment Exchange of the National Academies (among others) on this contest, which is focused on girls in grades 10-12 (ages 15-18) living in the United States.  The contest started earlier today, and ends on March 26th.  Girls interested in competing must develop a project (or use a project they have previously developed) that has the potential to reform the future.  Science, technology, mathematics and/or engineering (STEM) must be involved.  Contestants must apply, and then submit a video (no longer than 5 minutes) that answers the following questions:

  • What is your project?
  • How did you use STEM to create your project?
  • How could your project bring positive change to the world?
  • What did you learn while developing this project?
  • How did working on the project empower you to explore your own strength of character?
  • What next steps do you plan to take with your project?
  • Why are you interested in an internship with MARVEL STUDIOS?
  • What would you like to learn from an internship with MARVEL STUDIOS?

(There is also a long list of things to do/not do in the video, so please read the contest instructions in full more than once.)

The last two questions are there because one winner will receive an internship with Marvel Studios.  It’s not clear to me how much STEM factors into the work involved during such an internship, but I don’t work for a studio.  The winner will be one of five finalists selected to travel to Los Angeles for the premiere of the film, as well as touring Dolby Laboratories and Disney Studios.  Finalists will also present on their work at Marvel Studios and in an online webinar.

The contest window is small, entries are required by midnight Eastern time on March 26, and you must successfully apply before uploading your video.  So get started.


2 thoughts on “Marvel Continues Its Movie Tie-In Science Contests

  1. Pingback: Marvel Studios internship contest for girls 15 – 18, in grades 10 – 12 (US-based entrants only) Deadline: March 26, 2016 | FrogHeart

  2. Pingback: Marvel Covers Its STEAM Interests | Pasco Phronesis

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