Pop Culture Science Weekend: Going Really Viral

Studio 360 this week has a viral theme.  No, it’s not a discussion of the Harlem Shake or any of the other cultural earworms that make Top of The Pops issues seem to have the permanence of stone.

It’s about viruses in pop culture.  You’ll want to listen to the whole show.  And then go explore Studio 360s archive of pieces on Science and Creativity

This week’s stories:

Viruses at the Movies – Science writer Carl Zimmer and infectious disease specialist Larry Madoff discuss how viruses feature as the new cause of bad things in television and movies.

(This makes me think of the various journal publications on zombies and Centers for Disease Control declarations on zombie outbreaks in a slightly different light.  Neither appear to be mentioned in this show.)

Does Your Zombie Have Rabies? – Long before science got a handle on rabies, written and spoken literature were wrestling with the disease.

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