United Nations Names Science Advisory Board

Ending the beginning of a process that has been at least a year in the making, the United Nation named the first members of the Secretary-General’s Scientific Advisory Board (H/T ScienceInsider).  Of the 26 members named, three have U.S. ties.  One member of the board is a national science adviser two others serve as president for their respective national science academies, and another serves on the U.S. President’s Council of Advisers for Science and Technology.  No chair has been named, though that may take place at the first meeting, anticipated in the beginning of 2014.

Per the announcement, the Board:

“aims to ensure that up-to-date and rigorous science is appropriately reflected in high-level policy discussions within the UN system, offering recommendations on priorities related to science for sustainable development that should be supported or encouraged; providing advice on up-to-date scientific issues relevant to sustainable development; identifying knowledge gaps that could be addressed outside the UN system by either national or international research programs; identifying specific needs that could be addressed by on-going assessments (e.g., IPCC or the IPBES); and advising on issues related to the public visibility and understanding of science”

More is forthcoming, though it may take until 2014 for it to come.