In Other National Science Foundation News

Two tidbits related to two national science foundations.

ScienceInsider has an interview with the new head of China’s National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC). Yang Wei started in the job last month, and holds a Ph.D. in engineering from Brown.  With a budget roughly 40 percent that of the National Science Foundation (NSF), and a staff roughly 10 percent the size of NSF, Yang has some serious organizational challenges to deal with in an environment where government research funding is on a dramatic upward trend.  Something new for me was the discussion of access to agency databases as a means for scientific misconduct.

Those interested in the numbers and mechanics of the Chinese research enterprise need to read the piece.  Try and reconcile the Chinese resource profile for scientific research with the concerns about China’s research surpassing that of the U.S.

On the domestic front, Dr. Cora Marrett has been designated to serve (as expected) as Acting NSF Director once Director Subra Suresh steps down.  She currently serves as Deputy Director of NSF, and has worked in the Foundation’s directorates for education and social and behavioral sceinces.  The first day of her second stint as Acting NSF Director is March 22.